This upcoming May marks 3 years that I've been out of college and in the working world. I feel like now more than ever, my weekends blow by way too fast. Friday comes around, I'm blast out of work, and next thing I know, it's Monday morning already. So being that the weekends seem to last so short, I've been keeping especially busy trying to make every minute count. This past weekend was especially fun.
Friday night, I went out to Happy Hour with Andy, Stella, Leo, Mike, James, Gaan, Yoshi, and Keith at TGIF in tyson's. Originally, the plan was to go to Top Golf in Kingstowne after HH to continue drinking and get some games of top golf in. But, we didn't leave tyson's till after 10 PM, so we scrapped the idea. So I headed home and watched a dvd before I went to sleep. Boring, I know, but at least I didn't go to sleep early.
Saturday morning, I wake bright and early to coach my kids' soccer game. They were 2-0 going into this game, and this season more than any other, I felt like they would go undefeated the whole season. Needless to say I showed up to the game only to find out that many of our players would not make it. So we played one player down for the entire game. Fortunately, I've trained my kids well enough that they didn't get too gassed throughout the game, and somehow, they pulled out a 3-2 win in the scorching heat. I was blown away. Couldn't be more proud of them. Afterwards, I took them out to our regular post-victory pizza party.
Immediately after pizza, I sped home and quickly showered. I then grabbed $600 in cash from my desk and headed out the door to pick up my best friend Will to head up to Atlantic City for the night. Normally, I have football games Sunday mornings, but this week was a bye week so I took the chance to go party with my friend up there. 24 hours later, I was $600 poorer, but pleased with a fun trip to AC as always. Drowning my financial sorrows, we stopped by Philly on the way home and picked up cheesesteaks from Pat's. It was awesome. I bought like 4 which I've eaten over the couple days since coming home. I also bought 4 to split amongst my cousins.
After returning home, exhausted from AC, I again took a quick shower and headed right back out the door to meet my friends at Sweetwater Tavern for some quick dinner before the Chris Rock show in DC. I had never seen Chris Rock perform, and I don't think I've ever really watched his entire show on HBO or anything before either, so this was a brand new experience for me. As you could imagine, he was eff'in hilarious. I had tears at moments in the show cuz I was laughing so hard. His opening act was awesome too.
So then I came home and laid to rest another great weekend. Not nearly as exciting as my days used to be when I was in school, but seeing as how life seems to be settling down these days for me and my friends, I'll take this great weekend anytime.