Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic new year's celebration. In honor of my birthday this week, here's the celebratory hot joints of the week:

David Guetta feat. Rihanna --- Who's that Chick

Not a lot I can say about this song that you haven't heard me say before in many of my previous musical reviews. I love David Guetta. All his beats are catchy, and he's a hit creating machine. Is he the best DJ to see live, nah, not really. But he produces hot songs. As for Rihanna, if there was one artist that I would've sworn after their first single, that they would disappear into one-hit-wonderdom, it would've been Rihanna after "Pon de Replay". But here we are, all these years later, and pretty much every song Rihanna puts out now is a Pop Top 20 song. So it's no surprise that everyone and their mom wants her to sing on their tracks. In any case, the combination of the two on this song is amazing. 4.5/5 Stars.

Green Hornet

When I went to see this movie, I already knew it was going to be a funny movie. Seth Rogen stars in it, and more importantly both Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote it (they also wrote Superbad). So going into the movie, I already had expectations of the movie being fairly funny. I had no idea it was going to be nearly as funny as this. On top of all that, I had no expectations as to how the fight scenes and action in this movie would hold up with Seth Rogen as one of the key stars. However, Jay Chou delivers a great performance, and the cinematic way the fights are shot made the action incredible. And lastly, the original Green Hornet show was a bit before my time, but anyone can agree that Bruce Lee was a legendary idol. I'm glad the movie did what it could throughout the film to pay homage to the man. I saw the movie in regular aka non-3D cuz I'm a cheapass. Irregardless, the film was great. 4/5 Stars.

Lyon Hall

This past weekend, my friends and I went to Lyon Hall for a surprise birthday dinner for one of our good friends. It was my first time to the Hall, and I'd also never eaten at Liberty Tavern, which is owned by the same people. So I had no expectations going into the meal. Once the meal began though, I was quickly thrown into quite possibly the best dining experience I've had in a long time. The food there was classy and exotic with things such as rabbit, foie gras (duck fat), arctic char, pate, and various cheeses. Pretty much everything I tasted all night from my plate or my friends' plates was amazing...and I literally can't wait until the next time I can go eat here or at Liberty Tavern to see what else there is to indulge in. 5/5 Stars.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Feliz Navidad, etc. etc. My apologies for not blogging in quite some time. I've been busy, but I'm back in the saddle now. I hope this has not discouraged all of you from living/loving/laughing. Short and sweet, here's your hot picks of the week. Have a wonderful holiday weekend and safe and joyous new year. See you all in 2011!

Fabolous: You Be Killin Em

I love Fabolous. The man may need a spell check, but his music is flawless. I've always thought his flow was sick, his lyrics were usually meaningful, and something about his voice is just buttery and easy to listen to. So, considering he's been so MIA the past few years, I was intrigued when I heard his new single play on the radio. And literally, about 15 seconds into the song, I already knew this was my new favorite current jam. The beat is ridiculously awesome...like most of Fabolous' songs. His flow is still dabomb. And I've literally been listening to the track on repeat on youtube for like the last 3 days at work. 4.5/5 Stars

The Fighter

Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie, I knew it was the kind of movie I'd want to watch. It stars Mark Wahlberg (one of my favorite actors usually...except for The Happening), Christian Bale (in one of his best acting performances ever), and Amy Adams (one of the most underrated actresses in my opinion). For those of you who have not heard of the film, it's a boxing movie about the former champion Micky Ward. The film follows his climb to glory after early stumbles in his career. It documents the struggles he faced in dealing with his family (his mother was his former manager and his crack-addict brother Dicky was his former trainer). All in all, the film has everything...great action, great story, great acting. The film has already been nominated for several Golden Globe awards, including Mark Wahlberg's nomination for Best Actor. Considering all the exciting movies out right now: Tron, Chronicles of Narnia, Black Swan, Tourist, Yogi Bear, etc...the fact that I chose The Fighter over all these films last weekend shows how much I thought of the movie beforehand...and now having watched it, my opinion of the film has only gotten better. I highly recommend watching this movie if you like sports films based on true stories. 4.5/5 Stars


If you've been following this blog and/or my yelp account, you know that I love sushi. I've reviewed many sushi restaurants in my day, and of all of them, my favorite had always been Sweet Ginger in Vienna. But recently, having lived in Herndon for about a year and a half now, I decided to have sushi one night with my roommate and we ventured out to Ariake in Reston. In all fairness, this is the only restaurant I've ever eaten at that I put on the same tier as Sweet Ginger. The fish was fresh and sliced into hearty pieces like at SG. The variety of sushi available was impressive and the taste of the roll combinations were delicious. The restaurant itself is large and decorated beautifully and the wait staff was both friendly and attractive. I tried the sashimi platter in order to get a taste of lots of different types of fish and everything tasted great. I also tried the sea urchin because I hadn't seen many places that offer it. It was strong and intense, like sea urchin usually is, and while the meat itself isn't something I'd probably eat again anytime soon, the dish was well prepared and beautifully constructed. I highly recommend you try Ariake if you're a sushi lover in the Reston/Herndon/Sterling area. 5/5 Stars

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hello Buddies!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I give thanks every year that I'm able to live such a blessed and wonderful life surrounded by truly wonderful friends and family. I also give thanks that I'm fortunate enough to live in a country where I can freely write about my favorite movies, songs, and restaurants and share these favorites with the ones I love. So anywhoo...here's the hot joints I give thanks for this week!

Wynter Gordon feat. David Guetta --- Dirty Talk

This song actually came out last year. Most of you have probably never heard of Wynter Gordon. She's an amazing singer who's been featured on songs like Flo Rida's "Sugar" (the song that sampled "Blue" by Eiffel 65). In any case, I believe Ms. Gordon is on the verge of releasing or recording an album of her own, and this track that was released last year features, arguably, one of the hottest mainstream DJs out there right now. Mr. Guetta seems to be everywhere this year, from his own album, to providing the beats to some of Pop's and Hip Hop's biggest club tracks this year. This song is no different. Granted, the lyrics aren't anything special, they're literally just a hot female singer saying random sexually toned words and phrases in a list format...but the beat and the hook are so catchy, it makes little difference. I haven't stopped humming this song since I first heard it. 4/5 Stars

Harry Potter The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Now before all you wizards and witches start yelling at me for my critique, let me make it completely clear that I've never read any of the HP books. I've done that purposely because too often in life, I've read a book that was great, and been supremely disappointed by the movie. That is why now, I watch movies first, then read the books afterwards so I'm not disappointed. Having known for many years how awesome the HP books are, I knew that if I started reading them, I'd want to finish the entire series...and I didn't wanna risk ruining the later movies for myself by reading the books first. Thus, I've decided to wait and watch all the movies and then go back to read the books. That being said, I watched the first part of the last movie this past weekend. And I didn't like it. It was long (2.5 hours), it was boring for the most part, and for those of you who watch Naruto and/or Bleach (two popular anime shows), this movie felt like the "filler" equivalent of many episodes of those shows in which nothing happened, and it was simply a placeholder or buildup for the next episode. Now, I have spoken to some people who did read the book, and they admitted the first half of the last book is pretty boring. And in that regard, they also said that the movie mirrored the book almost exactly. So I suppose in that regard, the movie is a success...but from a viewer's point of reference, it didn't do it for me. It did however, leave me hanging and wanting to see the second part of the finale, so I suppose it succeeded in that manner. 3/5 Stars (Not a tremendously horrible movie, just not worth the $11.50...wait for it to come on Netflix or On Demand, then rent it, watch it and get ready for part 2 which should be much better)

Burapa Thai Classic

So I've now lived in Herndon for over a year. You would've thought I'd been to all the Thai cuisines out here, but this past week, a friend of mine who works in Ashburn took me to Burapa. And holy cow, it blew me away. The menu itself had me intrigued as it has most of my favorite Thai dishes: massamun curry, panang, drunken noodles, pad thai, etc. However, the thing that separates Burapa from all the rest if you can combine your favorites. The restaurant has about 6 or 7 pre-made combos that you can choose for lunch or dinner. And in these combos two of your favorite Thai dishes are served to you in one plate. So I ordered the drunken noodles/Panang and just as I'd hoped, I got a plate with drunken noodles on one side, and rice with panang curry on the other. It was awesome! And at only $8.50 for lunch, it was great. I also had the thai iced tea, with bobas (that's bubble tea to those who don't know), and it was great too! The tapioca bubbles were nice and soft. If I wasn't so stuffed from my meal, I would've tried some appetizers and/or dessert. But now having tasted how wonderful this place is, I'll definitely go back there again sometime. So yeah. 4/5 Stars

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Waddup buddies,

Gonna keep it short this week. Here's the hot jams for this week. Note that the movie is a negative review...not a recommendation this time. Enjoy!!!

Far East Movement --- I Party

First off, I have to admit, I love FEM. As cheesy and ricey as their name might be, and despite the fact that they look like an all Asian Kanye West tribute band, these guys put out quality club jams. In general, I try to support my fellow Asian artists whenever someone makes it mainstream, but in most cases, it's simply because I want to see more Asians in the media for positive things....and not necessarily because they're awesome. But Far East Movement, is indeed awesome. You've no doubt caught yourself dancing or jamming along to their hit single "Like a G6" and then vehemently denied to your friends that you secretly love the song. I think their new single "I Party" is even better. First of all, it samples one of my favorite electronic tracks of all time "It's a fine day". Add to that, their hip twist on the grooves within the track as well as their lyrics and you got another club banger. Then there's the music video itself, which is one of the coolest videos I've seen in a long time. Check it out on youtube if you haven't already. 5/5 Stars

Paranormal Activity 2

So last year, I went to see Paranormal Activity. It was a ground-breaking new horror film with lots of pre-debut hype as being the scariest movie of all time. I went with some friends, with little to no expectations of the film, and what I got in return was nearly a week of restless uncomfortable sleep as a result. So when this year's sequel was announced, I couldn't wait to see what was in store for me. Some people think it's sadistic but for me, there's a good deal of entertainment in stimulating one of the most natural emotions a human can experience. Granted, not being able to sleep properly probably was a negative side effect of watching the original movie, but I have to applaud any production that's able to scare me in that manner. So I was hoping, that this year's sequel would leave me at least equally petrified of what may occur after hours within my relatively quiet house. Unfortunately, this year's sequel fell flat. Knowing that most of its audience had seen the first film, I felt the movie tried to do too much in this new film and forgot what it was about the original film that had every scared. Mainly, that everything happened mysteriously and that we never saw any true horror or demonic attacks until the very end of the movie. The sequel, and I'll try not to give anything away here, gives away too much too early in this film...and in the moments where it did try to keep us in suspense, it only bored us instead. I was really hoping for better, but I suppose that was a poor expectation. I hope to rectify this mistake this week by watching the film Due Date, which I was debating watching last weekend when I decided to watch PA2 instead, because I've heard Due Date was very good. 2/5 Stars for Paranormal Activity 2.

East Moon Asian Bistro

Located in the Kingstowne shopping center between Bonefish Grill and the movie theater, this restaurant opened up earlier this year. I had long meant to go try it out, but didn't get a chance to until this past weekend when I saw the aforementioned movie. All I can say about the restaurant is WOW. It's extremely classy and modern in decor. Huge dining area with tons of wait/bust/cooking staff. The wait was only about 15-20 minutes for a table. All of the food I tried was amazing. The restaurant boasts Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese (both hot plates and sushi) cuisine. I tried the Sriracha Chicken entree which was both spicy and flavorful. I also tried one of the specialty sushi rolls, The Kingstowne Roll, and it was delicious. My cousin had the sesame tofu, which was sweet and amazing. For dessert, we split the molten chocolate cake which was also fantastic. All in all, the restaurant succeeded on all cylinders and I can't wait to go back and try some more of their menu items. 5/5 Stars.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Buenos Dias Amigos,

I hope everyone had a pleasant Halloween. I know I'm still trying to recover from all the partying and debauchery. In any case, here's the hot joint cures of the week for that candy and alcohol hangover. Enjoy!!!

Wiz Khalifa --- Black and Yellow

You may remember Pittburgh native rapper Wiz Khalifa from his hit single a couple years back "Say Yeah". It's the one that samples Alice Deejay's Better off Alone. Well, monsieur Khalifa is back this year with another new single that's already killing the airwaves. While the song is named Black and Yellow in honor of the Pittsburgh Steelers (BOOOOOO!!!!!), I won't hold that against the song too much because it doesn't actually say anything about the Steelers, so I suppose it's ok. The beat is hot, the lyrics are hot. Everything about this track makes you wanna bounce in your car. 4.5/5 Stars because of the name of the song and because the music video is a bunch of people waving Terrible Towels.

Saw 3D

Yes, I know. I can't believe another Saw movie was made either. But, if you're like me, once you like a particular movie series, no matter how many movies they make, you have to continue seeing them. And Saw is no different. I loved the first Saw, it was ground-breaking and unlike anything I had ever seen previously. 2 was still decent, with a neat twist, but not as good as 1. 3 Was the first time I thought the series was going to end...and yet...it didn't. How the movies can continue without the main villain...ehh I'm not even gonna begin the argument. Then the producers somehow made Saw 4, 5 and 6. So when Saw 3D came out this year...I was like "you have to be kidding me". Nonetheless it had become tradition at this point, to go see the Saw movies Halloween weekend with my cousin, and so I did. All in all, it was a decent movie...as far as thriller horror movies go. Definitely not my favorite of the series, and by this point, I'm so desensitized to the gore and brutality of the traps that it no longer affects me as harshly anymore. Nonetheless, if you are a fan of the Saw series at all, and you enjoyed the previous ones, you'll probably also enjoy this one. 3/5 Stars

Vienna Inn

I had heard a couple times from people that there existed a restaurant in Vienna that made great chili dogs. As far as American classics go, the chili cheese dog is among my favorite indulgences. So last week, I ventured out to Vienna Inn to check it out. This place is awesome. It's literally a dive bar in the heart of Vienna. Rock music plays over the speakers. Cute waitresses run around taking orders. And the menu is everything you could possibly want from a dive bar in terms of chili and cheese. The Chili Cheese dogs were delicious (and only cost $1.50 each). The Chili Mac was also great, although now that I know that the dogs are so cheap, I'm gonna just do those instead. And the fries were great as well (try the Gravy Fries if you want something different you've never had before). On top of that, the restaurant has birch beer, which is one of my favorite sodas. You gotta check this place out next time you're in Vienna or in the mood for hot dogs. 4/5 Stars

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Good morning Friends,

I hope everyone is enjoying their autumns. With the autumn comes a lot of great foods and specials at restaurants, but it also signals the end of the blockbuster summer season of movies. In any case, the show must go on...so here's the hot joints of the week:

Chitty Bang --- Opposite of Adults

This song actually isn't that new, it was released early in 2010. But for whatever reason, this song and this group doesn't seem like it's made it that mainstream yet. Most of my friends had never heard it until I mentioned it. The song itself, samples "Kids" by MGMT. In any case, I love this track. The beat is hot, the flow is nice, and you can't help but listen to the song and bob your head along with it. 4/5 Stars

Jackass 3D

"Warning, this review is being done by a person who thinks it's inherently primal for humans to enjoy seeing other humans with lower IQ and/or higher disregard for their own personal safety and will submit themselves to painful and/or disgusting stunts. The critic thus, must ask that you watch this movie if you too enjoy seeing people make jackasses of themselves, while also saying that he does not take responsibility if you go see this movie and don't enjoy it because it's not your cup of tea." That jackass-like dislaimer says it all. If you like seeing guys do stupid stunts and hurt themselves...then you'll love this movie like all the other Jackass films/shows. If you don't like that kind of stuff, then it's not for you. 3.5/5 Stars


If you're familiar with the Great American Restaurants chain of restaurants (Sweetwater Tavern, Coastal Flats, Mike's American Grill, Jacksons, etc.) then you already know how great these restaurants are. Ozzie's is the new one that opened in Fairfax Corner and is the first one to feature an Italian theme. If the restaurant sounds familiar to you already, it's probably because it bears the name of the VP of the Great American Restaurant's cooking division...Ozzie...which also happens to be the name of the iconic dinner rolls that are served at all GAR restaurants...and in many cases is one of the best parts of the meals. Soooo...the name already precedes it. As far as the restaurant goes, it's awesome. The bruschetta, a staple of Italian dining and popular appetizer, is probably the best bruschetta I've ever had. The rigatoni gorgonzola dulce is my favorite entree. And of course....the Ozzie rolls are to die for. If you haven't already, you must go try Ozzie's. Just call ahead a couple hours to ensure you get a table. 4.5/5 Stars

Monday, October 4, 2010


Good afternoon buddies,

I know it's been a long time since I made a review. Part of that is me being busy with soccer, work, and grad school. Part of that is me being cheap and not seeing any new movies. And part of that is me being lazy. But fear no more, for I have a new review this week. So...that being said, here's the hot joints of the week. Enjoy!!!

Will.I.Am feat. Nicki Minaj --- Check It Out

One phrase describes it all: This song samples "Video killed the radio star". Aside from the awesome sample, this track from the Black Eyed Peas frontman features arguably the hottest rapper right now...Ms. Minaj. It seems like anything Young Money (the group of rappers which Nicki belongs to) touches is gold. And this song is no different. While I'm not a huge fan of Will.I.AM nor the black eyed peas' new stuff, I do have to admit this song is catchy and great. You should literally..."check it out." 4.5/5 Stars

The Social Network

In case you've lived in a bubble for the last 5-7 years...there's this thing on the internet called Facebook. It's kind of a big thing. Anyway, this movie follows Mark Zuckerberg, a young intelligent college student who comes up with (or rather improves upon) an idea at Harvard university to create a new social networking tool. The movie depicts the events and drama that surrounds Zuckerberg and friends/crew as they begin to create arguably the most influential web application in the last decade. The movie is hilarious at times while dramatic at others. Jesse Eisenberg (Zombieland) is brilliant as the lead character Zuckerberg. Justin Timberlake is mehhh...average as Sean Parker (the creator of Napster and partial stockholder of Facebook). If you didn't see it opening weekend last weekend like I did, you MUST go see why this movie is the #1 movie in the country right now. 4.5/5 Stars


No doubt most of you have at one point in your life tried a Japanese teppanyaki style restaurant. You know what I'm talking about, the Japanese restaurants that cook the food in front of you on a flat hibachi grill and the chefs dazzle you by juggling their knives and stuff. For the most part, they're all average at best, while above average in cost...which is why I don't usually eat at them very often. However, I've recently discovered a chain of Japanese teppanyaki restaurants called Sakura. The one I visited was in the Tyson's Corner area off of Route 7 across from McCormick's and Schmidt's. Anyway, this restaurant is amazing. It's actually two parts, the teppanyaki grill and the sushi bar up front. If you sit in the sushi dining area, you have your choice of all the regular sushi dishes while also ordering things such as bento boxes, terriyaki beef/chicken specials, and my personal favorite: the pork katsu (aka tonkatsu). Now, I've had my fair share of tonkatsu at multiple Japanese restaurants, but I honestly have to say Sakura has had my favorite version of the dish. We were treated to large portions of rice, pork, and veggies while enjoying the most delicious katsu sauce I've ever tried. Furthermore, having eaten at lunch time, the katsu was a lunch special for only like $8. All in all, I recommend everyone who's shy about teppanyaki style Japanese restaurants to give Sakura a try next time you're in the Tyson's Corner area. 4/5 Stars