Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So the other day, I'm in the supermarket picking up a self-made salad from the salad bar + a cup of soup. As I get into the register line, I see a girl in front of me purchasing a candy bar. A mounds candy bar. As the cashier attempts to ring up the candy bar, it doesn't go for some reason. Something about the cashier's demeanor made me believe she was new to the job. In any case, she rings the bell for her manager or whatever and asks for a price check.

"Price check on Spunow".

I sat there for a hot second, like "what the hell did she say?". I was mad confused until I took a second to look at the candy bar upside down...the way it was facing the cashier. Sure enough, Mounds upside down spells out "Spunow" perfectly.

I start laughing, then the girl buying the candy bar is like "what?" And I tell her and she starts laughing. The cashier gets embarassed and soon the manager gives her the right price code.

Needless to say, that made my day.

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