Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic new year's celebration. In honor of my birthday this week, here's the celebratory hot joints of the week:

David Guetta feat. Rihanna --- Who's that Chick

Not a lot I can say about this song that you haven't heard me say before in many of my previous musical reviews. I love David Guetta. All his beats are catchy, and he's a hit creating machine. Is he the best DJ to see live, nah, not really. But he produces hot songs. As for Rihanna, if there was one artist that I would've sworn after their first single, that they would disappear into one-hit-wonderdom, it would've been Rihanna after "Pon de Replay". But here we are, all these years later, and pretty much every song Rihanna puts out now is a Pop Top 20 song. So it's no surprise that everyone and their mom wants her to sing on their tracks. In any case, the combination of the two on this song is amazing. 4.5/5 Stars.

Green Hornet

When I went to see this movie, I already knew it was going to be a funny movie. Seth Rogen stars in it, and more importantly both Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote it (they also wrote Superbad). So going into the movie, I already had expectations of the movie being fairly funny. I had no idea it was going to be nearly as funny as this. On top of all that, I had no expectations as to how the fight scenes and action in this movie would hold up with Seth Rogen as one of the key stars. However, Jay Chou delivers a great performance, and the cinematic way the fights are shot made the action incredible. And lastly, the original Green Hornet show was a bit before my time, but anyone can agree that Bruce Lee was a legendary idol. I'm glad the movie did what it could throughout the film to pay homage to the man. I saw the movie in regular aka non-3D cuz I'm a cheapass. Irregardless, the film was great. 4/5 Stars.

Lyon Hall

This past weekend, my friends and I went to Lyon Hall for a surprise birthday dinner for one of our good friends. It was my first time to the Hall, and I'd also never eaten at Liberty Tavern, which is owned by the same people. So I had no expectations going into the meal. Once the meal began though, I was quickly thrown into quite possibly the best dining experience I've had in a long time. The food there was classy and exotic with things such as rabbit, foie gras (duck fat), arctic char, pate, and various cheeses. Pretty much everything I tasted all night from my plate or my friends' plates was amazing...and I literally can't wait until the next time I can go eat here or at Liberty Tavern to see what else there is to indulge in. 5/5 Stars.


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