Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Good morning Friends,

I hope everyone is enjoying their autumns. With the autumn comes a lot of great foods and specials at restaurants, but it also signals the end of the blockbuster summer season of movies. In any case, the show must go on...so here's the hot joints of the week:

Chitty Bang --- Opposite of Adults

This song actually isn't that new, it was released early in 2010. But for whatever reason, this song and this group doesn't seem like it's made it that mainstream yet. Most of my friends had never heard it until I mentioned it. The song itself, samples "Kids" by MGMT. In any case, I love this track. The beat is hot, the flow is nice, and you can't help but listen to the song and bob your head along with it. 4/5 Stars

Jackass 3D

"Warning, this review is being done by a person who thinks it's inherently primal for humans to enjoy seeing other humans with lower IQ and/or higher disregard for their own personal safety and will submit themselves to painful and/or disgusting stunts. The critic thus, must ask that you watch this movie if you too enjoy seeing people make jackasses of themselves, while also saying that he does not take responsibility if you go see this movie and don't enjoy it because it's not your cup of tea." That jackass-like dislaimer says it all. If you like seeing guys do stupid stunts and hurt themselves...then you'll love this movie like all the other Jackass films/shows. If you don't like that kind of stuff, then it's not for you. 3.5/5 Stars


If you're familiar with the Great American Restaurants chain of restaurants (Sweetwater Tavern, Coastal Flats, Mike's American Grill, Jacksons, etc.) then you already know how great these restaurants are. Ozzie's is the new one that opened in Fairfax Corner and is the first one to feature an Italian theme. If the restaurant sounds familiar to you already, it's probably because it bears the name of the VP of the Great American Restaurant's cooking division...Ozzie...which also happens to be the name of the iconic dinner rolls that are served at all GAR restaurants...and in many cases is one of the best parts of the meals. Soooo...the name already precedes it. As far as the restaurant goes, it's awesome. The bruschetta, a staple of Italian dining and popular appetizer, is probably the best bruschetta I've ever had. The rigatoni gorgonzola dulce is my favorite entree. And of course....the Ozzie rolls are to die for. If you haven't already, you must go try Ozzie's. Just call ahead a couple hours to ensure you get a table. 4.5/5 Stars

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