Thursday, February 25, 2010


Waddup Peeps! As you can clearly tell, I'm already straying from my regular weekly postings on Mondays. At least I'm able to more or less keep up though, and not just forget about this review altogether. Anywhoo, it's been a good week for reviews. So here you go, enjoy:

Jason Derulo - In My Head

Earlier in this blog, I mentioned an up and coming artist named Jason Derulo. The closest comparison I can make about his music is that he's a Chris Brown clone as far as singing goes, but he has the luxury of having very good producers who either sample great beats, or come up with catchy new ones. In any case, you've probably heard his song "Watcha Say" on the radio quite a's the one that samples the song that played on the OC when Marissa shot Ryan's brother Trey (and no...I'm not gay...I don't actually watch the show...I just know about this scene because SNL spoofed it in their "Dear Sister" digital short). In any case, In My Head is the new single from JD, and it's beginning to get airplay now on the pop radio stations. The song itself is catchier than Watcha Say and the video ain't half bad either considering it's supposed to be an homage to Michael Jackson. 3.5/5 Stars

District 9

At this point, you must realize I'm a slacker at the movies. I just don't go out to see a movie in the theatres as often as I'd like anymore since they cost about $23495238734978545 a ticket. So when I do catch a popular movie nowadays, it's either a blockbuster everyone's been waiting forever to see...or I catch it on tv or on demand. That brings us to numero nueve. District 9 was far better than I expected. I thought it was going to be another failed attempt at human killing alien invasion action, which hasn't really succeeded in movies since Will Smith stopped making annual summer blockbusters about that very theme. Yet, D9 was a great return. It featured a good story, good action, and good effects. Am I psyched about a sequel...probably not...but at least the original was pretty good. 4/5 Stars


Located in "Alexandria" across from the GrandMart on Route 236 (Little River Turnpike just before it turns into Duke Street at Landmark Mall), this restaurant might be my new favorite find. The restaurant labels itself as a Thai restaurant, and when it comes to that cuisine, it is exactly that. The Panang curry is full of taste, spice, and consistency. The Tofu is delectable, plump, and well cooked. The Drunken Noodles are hot and spicy. And the coup de grace is a special dessert they offer called Tempura Ice Cream. Yes, fried ice cream. The restaurant succeeds in all things Thai. As if that wasn't enough, the restaurant also boasts a diverse selection of sushi. I didn't get a chance to taste it myself, but looking at the cuts of fish and the sushi chefs preparing it, I could tell it was quality fish. On top of that, my guide to my first trip to Yamazato said she had eaten the sushi there before and that it was good. Soooo....looking for a new restaurant? Maybe something intimate for a date? Or just looking for another great place to food your face...welcome to Yamazato. 4/5 Stars

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! Chuc mung nam moi to all my Vietnamese followers out there! Happy new year indeed. It's been a couple weeks of snow for me, so I've not been out in quite some time. Nonetheless, the review must go on...and so here we go. Enjoy!

Gorilla Zoe - What is Love

I have mixed feelings about this song. On the one hand, I'm loving the new trend of hip hop artists going outside their comfort zone of a deep bass and a snare to utilize things such as electronic music. On the other hand, I was neither a big fan of Gorilla Zoe prior to this song, nor was I a huge fan of What is Love (aka the night at the Roxbury theme). So when these two decided to make love and create this unbelievable song, I'm honestly at a loss for words. I give GZ a two thumbs up for effort, and I give Haddaway two thumbs up for capitalizing on their one hit wonder for royalties before it becomes public domain. However, I give a -2 thumbs down for Autotuner, and a one thumb sideways for the mashup. Final verdict? 2.5/5 Stars.


With the recent snowmageddon that has hit the DC metro area, I have not had a chance to see any new movies. I did however get to watch movies On Demand on HBO. And one of those movies was one I saw when it was fresh in the theatres. And that film is Notorious. The film, which depicts the tragic life of the rapper Notorious B.I.G. is not only a good film about one of my favorite artists of all time, but a GREAT film in general. I highly recommend those who have not seen this movie to hit up your blockbuster or netflix or On Demand and check it out. 4/5 Stars.


Up until recently, I had never ever eaten at Vapiano's despite driving by it countless times. In the DC area, the restaurant features two locations. One in Ballston, near the mall and the other inside the Dulles Town Centre mall. And let me tell you, this restaurant was amazing. So the concept is that you enter the restaurant and the hostess gives you a card. You, in turn, go to the chef behind the counter (Mongolian style) and order one of countless delicious gourmet pastas or pizzas customizing everything from the noodles to the sauce, and even adding your favorite protein if you want. The chef cooks it fresh in front of you and delivers a healthy portion of food to you in a gourmet bowl. Simply scan the card that was given to you at the counter where you ordered and you're good to go. If you feel the need for soda or dessert, go right ahead just scan your card again. At the end of your meal, take your card to the hostess on your way out and she rings you up for whatever you purchased. Happy Hours are off the chain here too. 4/5 Stars

Monday, February 1, 2010


Welcome to February my friends. New month, new reviews. I hope everyone has been enjoying the winter thus far. I know I have. Here are the hot picks for the week. Our movie pick this week, is going to be a TV show, instead of a movie...but more on that in a little bit. Enjoy!

Gucci Mane feat. Usher --- Spotlight

As far as music goes, I'm a sucker for a smooth voiced R&B/Hip Hop artist who can sing a catchy hook. That's why I love songs by people like Ne-Yo, Maino, Akon, Jason Derulo, Jay Sean, etc. Usher is one of those guys who's been doing this for years and probably even inspired some of the aforementioned artists when they were beginning to burst onto their careers. On the other hand, Gucci Mane is one of those guys who I thought would have one hit single and disappear from the radio. But here we are a year or so later, and you almost can't listen to the radio without hearing Gucci on some song. He's like the new Lil Wayne/Young Money 'cause he's featured on so many songs. So anyway...I love this song. Like I said, it's got the flow of Gucci in the rap verses with Usher's smooth voice lending the extremely catchy hook. 4/5 Stars.

Movies (TV Shows):
LOST for those of you who don't know. I am a LOST Fanatic. I have no hesitation in saying that it is my favorite tv show. Every week, I watch the episodes with my other close friends who are fanatics and we discuss the episode the following day in email threads. I even read forums dedicated to the discussion of things hidden deep in the show that only fanatics who care enough to investigate may have found. So all this is great, but you're probably wondering what this has to do with our movie review this week. WELL, the answer to that tomorrow, the season premier of the FINAL season of Lost airs. It's a 2 hour episode (kinda like a movie) with an additional 1 hour recap episode prior to it. So...if you've watched Lost at all in the past, this is the time to get back on the horse as we reach the end of a milestone era in American television. And if you haven't watched Lost, well all I can say is you've missed out. Go buy the dvds or borrow them from a friend. Or stream the show online at I guarantee you will be hooked as soon as you start watching season 1. 6/5 Stars. That's right...I've never given an above perfect rating to any review....until now. Stay excited, my fellow LOSTIES!

Maple Ave Restaurant

Last summer (prior to the first new posting of this review), I mentioned via AIM about Maple Ave in Vienna, VA. This restaurant, owned by two friends of mine, is a trendy new restaurant that features an Asian chef with French culinary training and a menu that blends Contemporary American dishes with a modern twist. I cannot say enough good things about this restaurant. Their menu is constantly changing with new specials and everything I've ever tried has been delicious. Last week, I was treated to a dinner here by my two close friends and I tried their Chicken And Waffles special entree. It was amazing. Add to that, the fact that there really aren't many Chicken and Waffle places in the DC area, and this experience really amazed me. I personally go to this restaurant whenever I have a good reason to do so, so I highly recommend you try it as well. The restaurant is not huge, in terms of dining space, so making a reservation online or via phone is highly recommended. 4.5/5 Stars.