Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Mighty Ducks Part II

So a new season of coaching begins for me this week. Last fall I coached a 10 year old boys soccer team for the first time. We started the season rough, losing every game. But by the end of the season, I had done my best to teach these kids how to play together and we began spanking our opponents the last few games. I felt very much like Emilio Estevez coaching Pacey, I mean Joshua Jackson and the rest of their peewee hockey team.

This week, I received my new roster. A new team of ADHD 10 year olds. I gotta say I'm looking forward to the challenge. It's probably one of the best moments of my week when I've been having a cruddy day at work and I go to one of my kids' practices and all I see are smiling happy 10 year old kids running around on the field playing with each other. They don't care about money, bills, deadlines, or projects. They don't have girl issues, "beef", or any other kinds of drama that starts to arise in teenage years. All they have to care about in the world is playing a game. God, it's the best feeling...I wish I was a kid again. What's even funnier is when my kids team loses. I'll run into a parent the following week at practice and be like "Man, I still can't believe we barely lost at the end of last Saturday's game!" And the parent will simply reply "Look at the kids. Does it look like they even care? They've already forgotten they lost and are playing happily again." And it's true. Not a care in the world.

Needless to say, I'm still not ready for kids anytime soon. knock on wood.

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