Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Madman

So it's that time of the year when every man mysteriously disappears for about a month. He's unusally inactive at work, and exposed to unhealthy levels of tv radiation as he follows his favorite basketball teams in the NCAA national tournament. In addition, for the average man, he's probably invested in 2-4 pools hoping to display his testosteronic dominance in hardwood prognostication.

For me, this year is especially important because my Hokies are in the tourney. I'm only in one pool this year, but my hopes are high that my picks will hold. As much as I want my hokies to win, I'm picking Georgetown to go all the way. I think they have what it takes to upset and win. That's not to say I'm not rooting for my Tech team though. I would love nothing more than to lose my pool if it means the Hokies are the national champs. But realistically, I just want them to make it to the third round, and possibly pull off an upset there.

Beyond that, I have no other goals for this tourney. I'll see you all at Bailey's for the tech game(s).

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