Monday, February 12, 2007

Toilet Seat Up. Why all the hate?

I was talking to a friend of mine at work today. He was using the men's bathroom at work, and because of the large traffic in there at the time, the urinals had all been occupied. So he went into the stall to urinate. As is the norm, he lifted the seat, and when he was done, he instinctively put it down. I happened to bump into him in the hallway and I asked what he'd been up to. He told me about how he just pissed in the bathroom, and I asked him...

"So man, did u leave the toilet seat up?"

And he replied no. And so we started conversing about this. Now, as a man myself, I find it is more convenient to leave the toilet seat up. I only drop a deuce a couple times a day when I've had a lot to eat, but I piss probably 6-8 times a day depending on how much fluid I've been drinking throughout the day. So based on the numbers, it only makes sense to leave the seat up and put it down when necessary. It's less work. So I asked my friend, why he put the seat down. Obviously it's an all male bathroom and I'm sure he and all the other users of the bathroom would love to leave the toilet seat up all the time as I do.

So he bagan talking about how it's courtesy to women and he just happened to be in the habit. I agreed, obviously. But then I began to think. Why the hell should men put the toilet seat down for women? It makes no sense. I've had past girlfriends and my mom tell me to put the seat down, but I honestly can't think of why this should be the norm. I've been told by women on many occasions that it sucks to fall in the toilet when there's no seat and that's probably true...but here's the thing. When I'm about to drop a deuce, I don't blindly sit on the can and hope the seat is down. I check it first. So why can't women? And don't give me this crap about women always sit down to pee/poop so they always gotta put the seat down. It's not like it's hard to do. For a guy, we've got to reach down, grab the seat, lift the seat, and fight gravity to put it back up in order for us to urinate. If I'm a woman and I walk in, and the seat isn't down, I don't even have to hold the seat to lower it. I could probably just tap it, and let gravity do all the work. So why, why is it such a hassle for women to put the seat down when we leave it up?

It only makes sense to me that it's much less work in the long run for everyone if we just make it the norm to leave the seat in whatever position it's in when you're done. For a man, if you've just pissed in the toilet, leave it up. For women, leave it down. That's my two cents. Women who don't must have fallen in the toilet in the past...and for that I have no comment. Look before you leap...look before you leap.

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