Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's always a coinflip when something you enjoy or love, is given a newer, upgraded look. Sometimes it's a complete failure: remaking a classic movie, or musicians trying to reinvent themselves by doing a new type of music. But every once in a while, the new mod is something fantastic.

Yesterday, I went out and bought Street Fighter IV for my PS3. Anyone who's over the age of 10 likely knows about the classic that is Street Fighter 2. It was the game that spawned a generation of arcade fighting games. I remember fondly going to arcades in shopping malls as a child (which are basically dead thanks to consoles and online gaming) and putting my quarter on the screen of my favorite arcade games to claim "I'm next to play." Street Fighter was one of those games that consistently had huddles of players every time a new version was released. Since purchasing the game yesterday, all I can say is that my thumb is very sore today.

But there are many other great remakes besides Street Fighter. Take Neil Patrick Harris for instance. For those of us who remember the 80's, he will always be remembered for his breakout role as Dr. Doogie Howser M.D. Younger generations will likely remember him for playing a male-chauvanistic version of himself in the Harold and Kumar movies. But those who are TRUE NPH fans likely appreciate him most in his role as Barney Stinson on the popular sitcom "How I Met Your Mother". This is one of my favorite sitcoms to watch on tv, and I owe all of that to NPH. He is AWESOME.

How I Met Your Mother: Mondays at 8:30 PM on CBS....right before the whack-ass Heroes.

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