Monday, December 10, 2007

My December

Hooray for December! Hands down the best month of the year in my opinion. Here's why December is extra awesome for me this year:

-Start new Job at Mitre
My new job rocks. I get to work at like 7:30 AM everyday, but the bright side is I'm out by 4. I wear jeans, tennis shoes, and a polo shirt, or nice tee to work everyday. I make 21% more than I was making at Bearingpoint, and I get the cruciallest benefits ever. Work has never been so fun. Oh, did I mention, they're planning on sending me to Vegas for a week as part of my training. I love this place.

Snow means a bunch of things. Most importantly, snowboard season is here. On top of that, I'm just a kid at heart. You can't beat an old fashioned day of playing in the snow.

I'm Buddhist, I'm not even supposed to celebrate Christmas. I do it because it's fun. My whole family gives gifts. Everyone is in a good mood. And everywhere you go, people are smiling, work is the least stressful it is all year, and cheerful music surrounds. Some people hate xmas shopping, but I love it.

-New Year's
Technically, it's January, but New Year's is always an awesome holiday too. You're bound to find a fun party to go to, cuz they're everywhere. And Nicky Long sure does love that New Year's bubbly. Cristal, anyone?

Hells yea. I love also means my birthday is right around the corner.

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