Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Halloween.

Yes I'm early, but being extremely at bored, this is all I could think about to blog. So halloween is coming up. Normally, I'm a huge fan of Halloween. Who wouldn't be? You get to dress up as something different, there's a surplus of candy everywhere you go, and moreso than other time in the year you get to go to parties where there will be lots of scantilly clad ladies.

Additionally, I love scary movies, and October seems to be the most ideal time for scary movies to come out in theatres. I haven't heard much about any this year besides the upcoming installment of Saw (the 4th one). I plan to see that Friday night.

Aside from my unknown upcoming halloween activities, fall is right at its midpoint, which means snowboard season is only a month or so away. I can't wait. Soccer is good, my kids are winning and should have no problem finishing out the season on top as long as they come with it every week. Flag football is great. Our team finished 1st after the regular season and we begin playoffs this weekend.

And for my trance friends, I know you all loved Tiesto when he came here last month. I look forward to Paul Oakenfold coming here next month.

That's all I got today for this post. I'll post something a little more interesting next time.

P.S. All my high school friends who I haven't talked to in forever, I know you all still read this from time to time, so holla at me. We need to meet up sometime and catch up. That means you: John, Tony, Crayton, J. Mirabello, C. Neam, Josh, Vinh Tran. I got a new cell phone so I dun got any of y'alls contacts anymore so hit me up. At the minimum, you can leave a post here so I can reach y'all.

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