Monday, September 17, 2007

Tiesto Woo!

Hey friends,

Fall is in full swing and I couldn't be any happier with life. My hokies are finally on the upswing after replacing that worthless Sean Glennon with true freshman Tyrod Taylor. Though we're only 2-1, the future looks tremendously promising behind our Tidewater prodigy. My flag football team, also named Hokies, is 2-0. That's attributed to the tremendous amount of chemistry and talent among these guys whom I went to school with. I can't wait to run this league. And finally, my kids that I'm coaching soccer this year are sick nasty too. They're off to a 1-0-1 season so far, but they shoulda been 2-0. Either way, I don't see us losing a game this season and if they play like they did last weekend (we won 8-2), we should crush every team in the league.

But to the main point of today's blog. I FINALLY got to see my boy DJ Tiesto perform over the weekend. Over the past 4 years, he's made it a habit of always coming to perform on Thursday nights and not starting his set till like 1 AM. That means if I wanted to see him, I wouldn't leave the club till like 4 AM and work Friday would be impossible. Fortunately, this time, he did a Saturday show, outdoors, at Love the club in DC. The show was awesome. Tiesto killed his set. It's awesome to see 8000 people waving and cheering in unison. Wish my camera hadn't been broken so I coulda documented the awesomeness that is a Tiesto show.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Hooray for Autumn

Yes, that's right. It's September and that means we're officially in Fall. With the new season comes a few new "seasons" in my life too. First, there's season 3 of coaching soccer. I've moved up this year to coaching U12 boys. So I'm coaching slightly older 10 year olds and 11 year olds now. I've held a few practices already and all I can say is that my team is stacked. I'll be surprised if we don't go all the way again.

Secondly, season 3 of Hokie Nation Fantasy Football has just started. I drew the first pick of the draft this year so I'm pretty happy with my squad. I don't see my other alumni posing any kind of threat to me. You guys can go ahead and transfer your entry fees to me now.

And finally, with the new fall season, comes the new season of television on the horizon. It's been a long wait, but I'm finally ready to watch new seasons of my favorite shows. Heroes, Prison Break, Survivor. Lost doesn't come back till January of next year, but I anticipate that show as well.

Beyond that...fall season simply means we're a few short months away from snowboard season so I'm all smiles.

Big shout out to everyone who made it down for opening weekend at Tech last weekend. Shitty football game, but still awesome weekend!