Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Weather, New Activity

Sorry for the posting delays. I've been busy. No actually, I've been lazy. So spring seems to finally be here. Even on cold days, it's moderately warm. And for the most part, it's pretty sunny. So with that, I've decided to go out and enjoy the outdoors more. I'm still doing soccer a ton. Coaching and playing is keeping me busy most of the time. Aside from soccer, I've picked up tennis again...and shortly I should begin playing golf with my pops too. My new desire this spring has been cycling. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Lance Armstrong, but I think it'd be fun on a weekend when nothing else is really going on to take a bike out for a couple hours and ride trails in the area, or go around Burke Lake, or even just cruise on the road to my cousin's house or a friend's house or something. But before I can do that, I need to get a bike. I have no knowledge of bikes whatsoever so I've been trying to get some info from people I know who ride.

Aside from the beautiful weather, not much else has been going down. I'm sure you all know about VA Tech on 4.16.07. Such a sad tragedy. I never expected anything like that to happen at such a peaceful place. Sad that for so many people, my alma mater will now hold a tainted reputation and view...when all I have is happy, wonderful memories of the place. My heart goes out to all the families and friends of people lost in the tragedy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hurray for Spring, I think.

Hey hey, so I haven't posted in a while. Unbelievably, I've been super busy with work. And I generally only blog when I'm bored at work trying to fill my time. So yeah, I suppose you could say I'm bored today. So Easter came and went this past weekend. Being Buddhist, this meant nothing to me, except that come Sunday evening, all of my normal dinner spots were closed. Seemed like a good day for me to play some poker instead.

Overall, the weekend was awesome. I saw my old roommate Adam from college. He's in the army now and he's from North Carolina so I really only get to see him once maybe twice a year. It was awesome seeing him and his dog Eve again.

I have to say I'm not a big fan of the spring weather we've been getting. Ordinarily, I am a huge supporter of the cold when it's winter because of my addiction to snowboarding. However, I had already given up on riding several weeks ago, and was steadfast in my Spring/Summer frame of mind. Leave it to El Nino or La Nina, or whatever it's called to bring on these frigid temps again. My new coworker from Ohio was shocked to see snow flurries in April.

Other than that, life is same old same old. I still watch a ton of tv. All my normal shows + a few new guilty pleasures. That new comedy show on NBC "Thank God You're Here" is pretty good. They basically bring in popular comedians and have them enter a room they haven't seen, without a script, and act out a scene and be as funny as they can. I wouldn't say the show is like "Whose line is it anyway?" because I think this show is different. But they're both good. I've also been watching American Idol more than usual this year. Simply because Sanjaya Malakar is quite possibly the worst Idol singer ever and I am stunned as to how he is still in the competition. It really makes me want to audition next year and hope to make it to the finals by some miracle. I just need to make a ton of Indian and Chinese friends this year so they can rally support for me.