Thursday, January 25, 2007

A new year, a new blog.

Hey all,

So it's been on my unwritten list of "Things To Do" for about a year. I get random thoughts sometimes and I wanna share them with you. So finally, after months of laziness and procrastination I've decided to start blogging again. Although with the growth of gmail, I've found a new blog site, as you all can see. I like this site better than xanga because anyone can comment on my blogs, not just xanga members.

There's actually a lot of "Things To Do" on my unwritten list. I like to think that the list will be completed eventually, but there are items on the list that probably date back to 2005 so we'll see how that goes. Some other things I need to do are write a book, clean my room, buy a house, go to Italy/Spain, wash/clean my car, buy new workshoes, learn to play baccarat, be an extra in a movie, invest in some stocks, get a dog, and apply for a job at DC United.

There's many other things on my To Do list, but it would take me a week to write it all down. Maybe I should just focus on my "Things Not to Do" list. It'd be like "die, get sick, go broke, lose friends."

1 comment:

greasygrease said...

not die is usually a good thing for "things not to do"

i remember you had a lot of "things to do" when we were going to AC but i dont remember everything