Monday, November 17, 2008

We Miss You Jack.

6 years later. I still miss you bro. You never forget your best friend from your childhood. That one (or few) person(s) that you grew up with, went to school with, rode through your life's ups and downs with. Jack, you were that guy to me. Through the good times and bad, I could always count on you. You motivated me to be better. And even now, when you're gone to a better place, I am inspired to be half the wonderful person you were.

R.I.P Jack Tse-Hou Chen
August 12, 1982 --- November 16, 2002

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yikes, it's been like 2 months since I blogged. Times are a busy. Coaching soccer has really taken off, I'm taking on newer opportunities and responsibilities. Grad School has been very time-intensive as well. Overall though, life is good. I celebrated one of my favorite holidays last weekend. Halloween is fantastic. Beautiful sexy girls everywhere dressed scantilly. Friendly people everywhere giving away candy and chocolate. And all the delicious pumpkin ale you can drink. Mmmm....Mmmmmm.

Here's some pics from my halloween partying last weekend. I'm the jabbawockee (America's Best Dance Crew guy in the mask).

That's me in the middle. Ali the dark wizard on the left. And Mike Davis as the corporate storm trooper on the right.

Here's me and Anna in her leather catwoman outfit.

Here's me and Stella in her corpse bride getup. She and Andy looked awesome in their makeup.