Friday, February 8, 2008


Hooray indeed. The writer's strike was announced today as ending. That is fantastic news for me because I can now watch all my favorite shows again. The last few weeks have been rough, forced to watch a ridiculous amount of reality tv. You know it's bad when even Nicky Long is all reality tv'd out.

My laptop died about a month ago, in case you were wondering why I haven't been online. That didn't help my boredom during the strike either. But I finally got my laptop back this week after fixing it and now I'm back up and running again.

So what has Nicky Long been doing? Well, since the last time we spoke, I've taken my first snowboard trip this season. It was fantastic. I surely hope the weather gets cold again soon cuz this has been a pretty shitty season for me in terms of hitting the slopes. Soccer is going good. Football too. New seasons of both coaching and playing start up soon so I'm excited.

Since we last spoke, I turned 26. I feel so old. Other than that, everything is everything. No real news to share. I'll try to blog more often in the future, but you know how lazy I get, so we'll see.

Happy New Year to everyone who celebrates the Lunar New Year. I can't wait to celebrate this weekend with my family. So much eating, drinking, and gambling. It's gonna be great.